I want to give you an update…
This weekend I rode my motorcycle to an hour north of Meridian, MS to go into a county jail with Fly Right Ministries as a platform guest. I prayed and debated about riding that 4+ hour trip alone. God didn’t answer, so I took that as a “Yes.” There was a 10% chance of rain. I have not ridden alot this year and thought the opportunity to ride my bike into a prison and down the hall was a great opportunity. I had a big mile marker birthday lately that really hit me hard. The enemy convinced me that I was old and that I was on the downhill slide as many like to refer to it. Each time I step out to do ministry (weekly) now I am under great attack and I realized that this was just another way the enemy could try to smother my confidence. Long story short, I got caught in a nasty lightning storm just west of Slidell, LA. The rain was so bad, I lifted my face mask, then had to remove my sunglasses and bear eye it. I had to drive like that for 5 minutes or more before I could pull under a bridge. My phone was blowing up with Emergency Alerts about flash floods where I was. I waited for 30 minutes with another biker. Thinking that the worst was past, I took off before it stopped because I had to make Meridian by 6pm. I had asked God to keep me cool as I left. It wasnt until I saw the dark clouds did it occur to me to ask him to hold back the rain. He honored my first request; I was soaked to the bone with my books wet, chaps wet, and all my clothes. I had to laugh. But then the worst hit just north of Slidell on I-59; it began to hail. I got to my hotel fine, a little worse for the wear but safe and my confidence renewed. Obviously the enemy didnt want me to get there. I met and talked in great depth to several young gang members some looking at 40 years of prison. God sent me there for a special 21 year old named Robert and had the priviledge of explaing the Gospel to him in a way he could understand. He had never been to church and his elderly grandmother who raised him had just told him on the phone that she had asked God to send someone to the prison to talk to him about Jesus. He did just that! The old pitiful enemy wasn’t too happy and tried to continue his attack on me. When I left the jail around 3:30pm Saturday, I discovered I had no rear brakes. I had a couple of biker friends who were going as far as Hattiesburg, so we rode together to there. It seems I got water in my brake fluid and that caused my rear brakes not to work properly. I am off to have that fixed and to replace both tires so that I can do this again soon. God is so good, ya’ll. Never let fear stand in your way. God has important things to accomplish through you. As I wrap this up, I remembered that I had prayed that God would help my allergies not to flare up as I have really struggled this year. They have wreaked havoc on my voice. The rain wet down the pollen and my voice was better than I think it has been in a long time. Hitting that high part in Dream On is always a crap shoot but I made through Christ who strenghthened me. God bless and Rock On.